Solar Connections International Universal L-Foot-SLT is our custom designed slotted L-Foot for use as your versatile, and cost-effective solution when installing your solar rail and/or racking system applications to any clamp or bracket on the market. While this Universal L-Foot was specifically and uniquely designed for use with all of Solar Connections International’s metal roof attachments, it is versatile enough to also be compatible with all other clamp and bracket systems on the market, as well. While the industry standard mill finish is available, Solar Connections International went one step above, and has also designed it to make a standard black finish available upon request, to meet your custom project needs, as well.
The design of the Solar Connections International Universal L-Foot-SLT follows in the footsteps of all Solar Connections International products, incorporating increased strength, versatility, and the adjustability to assist and create an ease of installation only recognized with Solar Connections International’s products.